Secret Academy Episode – Erik Huberman

Secret Academy Episode - Erik Huberman

Today it seems that you can’t find a person who isn’t on social media. Wether its Facebook, instagram, twitter, or snapchat we all have one and we use it every day. With such an expansion of the social media marketplace, people like Erik Huberman have been able to capitalize on that growth first hand. Seeing the decrease in need for follows and the increase for ads/content management, Hawke Media has been able to “swoop in” and help everyday businesses with the utilization of these everyday sites. Erik and Hawke Media were one of the first companies to partner with Snapchat for marketing purposes and have continued scaling every since. Now Erik uses his agency to help other businesses realize the potential revenue that can be found behind these famous social media advertisement channels without losing a ton of money due to misconceptions on conversions, follower count, etc. If you have a small business and you practice running ads on any social media channels, you need to hear what Erik Huberman has to say.

Secret Academy Episode – Chip Baker

Secret Academy Episode - Chip Baker

One of the most growing industries in the U.S as of the last decade has been that of the Cannabis industry. With numerous states all over the U.S deciding to legalize marijuana both medically and recreationally many doors have opened to welcome a new type of business into the entrepreneur-sphere. Chip Baker was one of those people who began riding the Cannabis industry wave when it was just a ripple in the ocean. Though he knew that once more and more people joined the industry he needed to make a niche for himself to avoid too much competition. So rather than growing, farming, or supplying he is the number one supplier of farming equipment to those who do decided to grow, farm, and supply. With the industry coming alive as more and more states continue to legalize marijuana, Chip wanted to come on this interview and give our viewers an inside look at this “growing” new marketplace.

Secret Academy Episode – Charles Darius

Secret Academy Episode - Charles Darius

People say it all the time “oh so-and-so is an overnight success” but are they really? Charles Darius has been in the design business for over a decade before finally hitting a home run with his jewelry line that he actually created with the sole purpose of wearing for only himself. He saw a need in his own life that wasn’t fulfilled by anything on the market, so he decided to make his own. Now Charles has his own jewelry line that got it’s starting capital of over $100,000 on KickStarter in just 20 short days. Even though Charles competes in an oversaturated market, he is able to set himself apart from the other brands because of his message, demographic, and determination which he has decided to now share with us.

Secret Academy Episode – Paul Glantz

Secret Academy Episode - Paul Glantz

Paul Glantz thought he knew everything there was to know about running a business, but there was only one problem… “he didn’t have two nickels to rub together”. That seems to be an issue we can all relate to here. But Paul didn’t let that stop him, through calculated loans and lending he was able to acquire his first movie theatre. In 1989 the movie theatre business was different than it was today and thanks to his early start, Paul has been able to propel his company Emagine Entertainment into on of the biggest names in movie entertainment in the mid-west. Knowing that the entertainment industry focuses around the people, Paul completely re-innovated the way people went to go see movies, introducing the stadium style seating we all know of today, as well as in-seat service and on-app ticket purchasing, and so much more. While Hollywood has always been a secretive business in itself, the movie theatre game isn’t much different, but Paul was able to give us a complete in depth look into how the silver screen makes its gold.

Secret Academy Episode – Kumar Arora

Secret Academy Episode - Kumar Arora

Not all of us have started our lives out saying, “I am gonna be an entrepreneur”, Kumar certainly didn’t. He never once thought about the path he is on now until the recession of 2008 hit him so hard that he had no other choice than to make himself a job so he could avoid bankruptcy. In that struggle, Kumar found his true calling. Kumar now is the founder of Rogue Eyewear, a luxury sunglass/eyewear company that got it’s start from Kumar’s mind for scientific advancement and design. Though eyewear ins’t the only thing he does.. Kumar has his hands in many different pots as a serial investor: fashion, food and beverage, sciences, chemical development, are just a few of the spaces you would find him working in on a day to day basis. Though he may have not started out with this lifestyle in mind, Kumar now can’t see spending his life any other way.

Secret Academy Episode – Gunnar Lovelace

Secret Academy Episode - Gunnar Lovelace

Gunnar grew up in poverty status with a single mother. Growing up in this environment he saw a lot of his mothers struggles, but he also saw how hard she worked to ensure he had healthy choices growing up as a kid. This day in age when organic eating and non-GMO food is all the rage, Gunnar knows some of these chain stores don’t mind jacking up the prices to meet the demand. Gunnar wanted to make healthy options easy and affordable for all American’s so he found Thrive Market, an online market place that allows people to buy their favorite organic brands online and have them delivered to their door anywhere nationwide for up to 25-50% off. By creating Thrive Market Gunnar has effectively helped bring healthy eating options into American homes that once could not afford it, helping to make America a happier and healthier place.

Secret Academy Episode – Dustin Lloyd

Secret Academy Episode - Dustin Lloyd

Dustin never wanted to work for someone else, he was fired three times before the age of 19 after not enjoying dealing with authority figures. He didn’t know what exactly he wanted to do, but he knew he didn’t want to work 40+ hours a week to make someone else’s dream come true. Dustin found the Academy and has been a student for some time now. In that time he has built his company Key Smart into a thriving business place that employs over 100 people, across 49 states, and last year made over $3 million in revenue. Dustin has been an exceptional student in the Academy, taking it upon himself to help out other students with their ideas and struggles, all while being a devoted husband and father of 3 beautiful girls. Dustin’s constant hard work and determination earned him a top 3 spot in our 2017 Secret Entourage Academy Challenges, and he hasn’t let up since. Dustin is proof that with the right guidance, a strong drive, and a no-excuses attitude you can really be whoever you want to be.