There’s a great deal of courage and clarity required to be an entrepreneur. But what happens when mortality, humanness and emotions surface that challenge our best efforts? How do we manage the balance between beasting up for success and the slow drain of life’s battles?
Failure is How You Feel About Your Results
I simplify complex or mysterious terms to make them easy to understand and act on. The professional and personal development fields seem to prefer click-bait titles—what sells over what works. Talk about failure and success is filled with clichés (“It’s the journey, not the destination,” “everything happens for a reason”) and grandstanding (“fail early and often,” “I failed many times before…
5 Reasons Businesses That Don’t Network Fold Up
Networking is an activity where business people interact or develop business relationships. It also involves information sharing, and can provide you with opportunities to discover potential partners and customers. Bluntly put; no networking, no customer. No customer, no money. No money, business dies. It’s a simple as that. Apart from poor goods and services, poor marketing strategies, and lack of diligence,…
Secret Academy Episode – Jeff Smith
Acquisition is an aspect of business that not many people know how to become successful in. There are so many variables that go into acquiring companies, and knowing how to create and grow a successful business that is attractive to other companies can be lucrative. Jeff Smith founded a successful online marketing company specializing in SEO and strategies for monetization, and it was acquired in 2009 by Geary Interactive. From there, he started several other businesses that were eventually acquired by bigger companies including a lifestyle and destination guide and a drug addiction rehabilitation portal. Today, he is the CEO of the drug addiction rehab portal ( and continues to invest and create other businesses in the behavioral health space. Jeff is also involved in a non-profit bringing technology to to underprivileged teens on the path towards a 4-year university.
How to Keep Your Home Life Stable When You Are an Entrepreneur and Your Partner Has a 9-to-5 Job or No Job
Are you experiencing any of the following situations or similar? Obvious Challenges: Not able to dedicate adequate time to the relationship for what your partner needs or wants. Feeling like you’re being pulled in multiple directions and nothing is getting accomplished timely. Being overwhelmed with too much to do and seemingly not enough help to get it done. Partner being…
A Clear Guide to What a Registered Agent Really Is and Does
“Registered agent”…yes, yet another piece of entrepreneurial vocabulary that you’ve probably heard tossed around or will hear as you start or incorporate your business. Chances are, however, you may not have gotten a good explanation of what it is or whether or not your small business might need one. I want to cut through that hazy lack of clarity right…
7 Reasons Why Quitting is Sometimes Your Best Move
Winners never quit and quitters never win. And so the saying goes. Inspiration hits via motivational quotes remind us quitting is not an option. The difference between winning and losing is never quitting. Losers quit when they’re tired; winners quit when they’ve won. And on it goes, down the slippery slope with failure. Clearly, quitting is the not your best…