8 Things to Avoid Saying in Your Sales Conversations

8 Things to Avoid Saying in Your Sales Conversations

Let’s face it. You got tricked into sales. You never intended having these kind of sales conversations but somehow running your own business you got landed with it. Enough of the pity party, nobody starts out being great at sales. You can however fast track perfecting your sales conversations, even start to enjoy them a little more. Don’t let another…

Procrastination – the Reason You’re Doing it ALL Wrong

Procrastination - the Reason You’re Doing it ALL Wrong

Scene: I’m in a discussion with Pejman and a self-proclaimed life coach who is listing his reasons for not taking action, proudly, as though they were his battle scars. Pejman asks, “Isn’t that just laziness?” To which the man responds, “Well, I wouldn’t consider it lazy…more like fear of failure…” and proceeded to explain how he was able to tell…

How Building a Business Together Can Strengthen Your Relationship

How Building a Business Together Can Strengthen Your Relationship

Anytime you decide to build a business as an entrepreneur and you’re in a relationship the risk of losing your relationship increases significantly. However these same characteristics which can break up a relationship can also strengthen a relationship……when you have a plan. Let’s face it. Relationships are a 24-hour, 7 day a week, 365 (sometimes 366 for Leap Year) commitment….

How to Read Like Your Success Depends On It

How to Read Like Your Success Depends On It

I credit my success to reading. And I read a lot. A LOT. So the question that I naturally get asked all the time is how I manage to read as much as I do while still keeping up with the demands of running a company. So here is my definitive guide to reading like your success depends on it,…

Secret Academy Episode – Fam Mirza

Secret Academy Episode - Fam MirzaFaraz "Fam" Mirza was born in Qatar and grew up in the slums of India with his aunt while his parents set out to make a living to support their family. At the age of 8 his parents came back, and they moved to Qatar and then Saudi Arabia before settling down in the United States. His father always used to tell him that in the United States you could be anything you wanted to be as long as you had the right vision and the right work ethic. It was those words and Fam's upbringing not having many basic amenities such as a shower that encouraged him to pursue entrepreneurship. After launching many successful brands, Fam founded 1Face Watches to fulfill his passion for giving back to the community and those in need. 1Face Watches sells 8 different watches to support 8 different charities, and has changed over one million people's lives to date.

Faraz “Fam” Mirza was born in Qatar and grew up in the slums of India with his aunt while his parents set out to make a living to support their family. At the age of 8 his parents came back, and they moved to Qatar and then Saudi Arabia before settling down in the United States. His father always used to tell him that in the United States you could be anything you wanted to be as long as you had the right vision and the right work ethic. It was those words and Fam’s upbringing not having many basic amenities such as a shower that encouraged him to pursue entrepreneurship. After launching many successful brands, Fam founded 1Face Watches to fulfill his passion for giving back to the community and those in need. 1Face Watches sells 8 different watches to support 8 different charities, and has changed over one million people’s lives to date.

7 Critical Qualities of Self Made Millionaire Entrepreneurs

7 Critical Qualities of Self Made Millionaire Entrepreneurs

While having a million dollars makes you a millionaire, not everyone reached that landmark the same way. There are those who inherited the title and others who became self-made millionaires working from the ground up. In the world of business, a million dollars is a million dollars no matter what; but becoming a millionaire is more about who you have…

How to Give Your Life Meaning

How to Give Your Life Meaning

Do you believe you’d have more meaning, purpose, and drive if you could just find your passion? Do you look at people more successful than you and presume they succeeded more because they were lucky enough to find their passion; and that if only you were so lucky to stumble on something to drive you, you’d also succeed? I propose…