As a CEO, founder and entrepreneur what can you learn from a movie like “Ghostbusters”? Well, it turns out that if you look closely at the plot, the characters and the unfolding of the events there are a few things you can get from this 80’s classic and take right into your business life and habits – maybe more that…
How to Handle the Dark Side of Being an Entrepreneur
First, I’ll start with this disclaimer: I’m not a doctor and any medical information provided for in this article is for resource purposes only and should not to be used nor relied upon as a form of diagnosis or for treatment purposes. It is also not patient education and should not be substituted for a professional diagnosis and treatment from…
Secret Academy Episode – Patrick Bet-David
Patrick Bet-David was born in Iran and following the revolution, his family immigrated to America when he was 12-years-old. Knowing that higher education wasn’t in the cards for him, he decided to enlist in the military immediately after high school. Patrick was able to land a job as a financial advisor at Morgan Stanley without having a college degree and went on to launch PHP Agency Inc., an insurance marketing organization, all before the age of 30. He found his passion in teaching and inspiring the next generation of aspiring entrepreneurs and has gained a substantial following posting videos twice a week to his YouTube channel.
5 Easy Ways to Raise Your Credit Score Before 2017
Credit is an important aspect of finance and while its importance has changed tremendously in the past 10 years, it is still one of the greatest financial assets one can have access to. However, it must be used with caution as one mistake may cost you quite a bit of headaches. Using credit responsibly can help you enhance your way…
5 Smart and Proven Ways Leaders Sharpen Their Minds
As a leader, your mind is your powerful tool. Your muscles won’t help you figure out what your target market is, or how you should innovate your product. It’s up to your brain to get things done, so it’s in your best interest to keep it sharp and flexible. Here are a few ways you can do that. 5 Ways…
7 Tips to Increase Your Entrepreneurial Focus and Make More Money
Focus is the key to entrepreneurial success. However, having complete focus is a lot harder than you would think. When I talk with my students that are having trouble with their trading or are not where they want to be from a financial standpoint, the common theme is a lack of focus. They know they want to be rich, travel,…
Secret Academy Episode – Ryan Blair
Ryan Blair found himself without a father figure at the young age of six when his veteran and engineer father left the family. Constantly searching for guidance and acceptance, he got eventually wound up in a gang. Finding valuable mentors helped him get on the right track, and Ryan started his first business called 24/7 Tech at 21-years-old. Throughout the years, he has been involved in numerous companies, most notably becoming CEO of ViSalus and bringing their revenue from $39 million to over $1 billion. Ryan also found a passion for teaching and writing and has authored NY Times best-seller “Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain” and “Rock Bottom to Rock Star.”