
The Journey is the Destination

The Journey is the Destination

Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? For me, I saw a man driving a white Lamborghini Aventador and decided I wanted to live a life like him. When I saw a YouTube video of that Lambo roaring through the streets of Dubai; it just screamed luxury, success, and…happiness. Actually, I think that was it… In my mind, I…

Why You Should Earn Credibility — with Yourself

Why You Should Earn Credibility — with Yourself

I’ve been waking up crazy early lately. A lot on my mind. Despite a little fatigue at the edges, I love having the extra hours. I was browsing Reddit last night and there was a cool Ask Reddit question: If you could add a 0 to any number in your life, what would you add it to? The answer that…

Everyone Gets One?

Everyone Gets One?

I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while now  but as you can all relate to – life happens. On my way to the office today they were talking on the radio about this topic and it renewed my fervor to share my comments.  The concept is that we are ‘softening’ America’s youth with policies that allow them…

How to Incorporate Being Healthy into Your Relationship

How to Incorporate Being Healthy into Your Relationship

The first part of being able to incorporate being healthy in your relationship is to decide that being healthy is what you want to do and determine what that looks like for you and your partner.   Seeing the various posts around the internet of couples boasting about their bodies being fit and constantly grinding can make it appear like…

Dealing With Those Who Resist the Choices You Make

Dealing With Those Who Resist the Choices You Make

So I have a question for you. If you have nothing; your business is gone, you don’t have a job, and the government just took all of your money in taxes; what would most people do? This exact scenario happened to me a month ago, and my parents told me I should get a job. Naturally, I booked a one-way plane ticket…

Procrastination – the Reason You’re Doing it ALL Wrong

Procrastination - the Reason You’re Doing it ALL Wrong

Scene: I’m in a discussion with Pejman and a self-proclaimed life coach who is listing his reasons for not taking action, proudly, as though they were his battle scars. Pejman asks, “Isn’t that just laziness?” To which the man responds, “Well, I wouldn’t consider it lazy…more like fear of failure…” and proceeded to explain how he was able to tell…