
Is It Arrogance or Ignorance?

Is It Arrogance or Ignorance?

Many of you know why Secret Entourage was founded, it was to change the perspective of Generation Y and help bring a voice to this important generation who has lost itself into this non-sense of instant gratification. For those that have not yet understood what Secret is, please READ THIS. Generation X as well as Generation Y are still struggling…

Looking For Your Purpose?

Looking For Your Purpose?

What if you never find it? What if you spend a lifetime looking for it without ever understanding what it was? Many do and many will even go as far as saying that they never had purpose other than living their life, giving birth or simply being part of a family. It is often true that people who feel this…

Mind your OWN Business!

Mind your OWN Business!

It’s very easy to get lost trying to rate ourselves against our peers or even rate ourselves around society when it comes to success. Its actually depressing at times and inconclusive as you often get side tracked comparing apples to oranges. In our quest for success, we often look for some sort of ranking system to gauge how well we…

From Don’s Desk: Is Political Change Real?

From Don's Desk: Is Political Change Real?

As we think of the recent events that have occurred in Egypt, Afghanistan or Libya; we come back and think of our own society and country and ask ourselves ” Does changing political powers really creates better change? Or the illusion of change?” 2008 marked the beginning of a new era for the United States, one where change was promised,…

SR Auto Group – Belonging to Greatness

SR Auto Group - Belonging to Greatness

Before you discard this article thinking it is about cars or coverage of some show, take a step back and read on. Today, we are discussing the experience of belonging to a new level of greatness. Is the point of life to earn as much money as possible? Drive exotic cars? Buy boats and mansions? Perhaps life has more to…

Outgrowing The World Around You

Outgrowing The World Around You

We discussed the importance of the ones you choose to allow around yourself and the significance of their role in your success. What about those that you simply outgrow and outlive?  I’ve been having many discussions with people around me as to what the perfect entourage looks like and why its very important that you surround yourself with like minded…

From Don’s Desk: An Appreciation For Those Trying

From Don's Desk: An Appreciation For Those Trying

There is a very commendable fearless attitude that goes with entrepreneurs who directly jump into the scene without prior corporate experience. Those that allow themselves to experience, take a risk without the business knowledge or background, to immediately succeed. These young entrepreneurs, called crazy by some, are considered pioneers to me. As a successful entrepreneur, it is easy for me…