
Is The World Sacrificing Quality?

Is The World Sacrificing Quality?

In a new society connected by social networking and a global market, one can question where does the line gets drawn as to the quality of the work we provide. Thousands of businesses get created daily, and thousands fail everyday while millions of people get their degrees, of which 60% get it from an online source rather than a credited…

Do YOU choose to STAY POOR?

Do YOU choose to STAY POOR?

In excitement of the actual release of our best selling eBook STAY POOR on the shelves of over 11,000 locations through the US, we have decided to take a moment and discuss the title of our book and the reasoning behind the title, rather than the book itself. We decided to name our book STAY POOR as a result of…

The Delusion of Your Perception

The Delusion of Your Perception

In a world where perception is reality, when does one realize if their perception of themselves is indeed the correct one? We often look at ourselves as individuals with a higher understanding of life and we might even think we figured it all out. But have we really? Have we actually realized what the reality around us is? Do we…

The Secret to Success Revealed

The Secret to Success Revealed

The most common mistake we make on our path to success is assuming that we don’t know enough. We believe that there is some secret formula. That once in our possession, will lead us clearly and convincingly to our destiny. This is a mistake. The bittersweet truth is that you already know everything you need to know to achieve your…

Design Your Own Future!

Design Your Own Future!

Too many times we hear people tell us that they live in the wrong place and cannot be successful. They ultimately allow their circumstance to become their greatest obstacle by simply accepting their environment. These poor excuses for failure are unacceptable and show poor judgment. When seeking success, nothing should stop you, especially the environment you created for yourself thus…

Motivation 101 – Fear of The Unknown

Motivation 101 - Fear of The Unknown

When FEAR consumes almost 70% of the population from taking that leap of faith and calculated risks, one could see that more opportunities exist for those of us who are capable of overcoming this fear altogether. The real question does remain “What are we so afraid of ?” There seems to be a common theme across the board as to…

Right Place, Right Time

Right Place, Right Time

Many of us work for others while others own their own businesses, but all have the same goal of being successful or making as much money as possible. This is also because we are all ultimately waiting for that big break no matter what that break might be. Many are just waiting for that idea to be heard or that…