Here we are again, another year passed by and we are back at making New Years resolutions. In the past you might have heard us say how much we don’t believe in New Years resolutions because they are a false positive. What we mean by that is someone who waits until a random date to create change in their life…
The Best of Secret 2011
2011 has finally come to an end and it has been by far the best year for Secret Entourage yet. Just like a year ago, we have a tradition of recapping our most influential and important articles for the year 2011 but more importantly getting a glimpse of things to come for 2012.
Pick Your Entourage Carefully
I wanted to take a couple of moments to talk about our social surroundings and the influence they have on us. Our social surroundings influence us more then we are aware of. Have you ever heard the phrase “It’s all about who you know”? I can vouch on that and say that it is true.
Emotions vs Logic
A topic which often comes up in conversation is love and the spell it puts on somebody. It is often said that love is blind or that emotions towards somebody are too hard to control. Many will even tell you they married for love, not because it made sense. What is it that makes this emotion uncontrollable? Is there no…
Choosing a Side
After watching the movie, “Meet The Robinsons”, I got motivated to write about a thought in regards to success and the commencement of its journey. In the journey to a successful life, I have noticed that it is about choosing a side. Life in general is a game based upon decisions and the consequences or rewards that follow your actions….
You Are Who You Play
In 1935, a small debate team from Wiley College in the sleepy town of Marshall Texas defeated the dominating national champion, The University of Southern California. This was a historically significant event as it marked a huge step forward for the legitimacy of the education provided by historically African American colleges and universities in the United States.
When Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work
If you’ve read my other articles, then you might think that I don’t like positive thinking. You’d be wrong. I love positive thinking. Research into motivation has shown time and time again that believing you will succeed at something really does increase your chances of succeeding (it’s something called Expectancy Value Theory). The problem is that the self-help gurus of…