I don’t care who you are. I don’t care how much you’ve accomplished. There is always forever one thing standing in your way. As soon as you start to commit yourself to doing something, you’re going to face a force like you have never known (author Steven Pressfield literally calls it “evil”). It cannot be negotiated with. It cannot be…
Different Expectations
I find myself wondering sometimes about what must go through peoples heads on a day to day basis when they are dealing with themselves and reflecting on who they are. It is often true that at some point or another, just about anyone will go through some sort of self reflection phase, looking back at actions and outcomes that have…
The Truth About FEAR
It seems like no matter where we go and what we do, we somehow find ourselves constantly surrounded and confronted with FEAR. What is it about FEAR that doesn’t allow us to let it go? What is it that keeps millions of people, if not billions, unhappy and yet they still hang on to their fears, which ultimately keeps them…
A Different Way of Thinking
There is a point in every person’s life when they realize that they have been wasting their time going through life dormant. Some wake up early on in their lives, others closer to their passing time but ultimately all realize that they have been dormant at one point or another. We are going to look at how you can tell…
Playing Life with a Different Zero
It is often true that people are in different situations in different conditions, therefore their ability to participate in opportunities exists on different levels and is often justified by a line like “You don’t know what that’s like?” or perhaps “You’ve never been through this…” We all understand that success can be defined differently and that we can all attain…
Understanding Your Goal Orientation
When most people talk about “goal orientation” they generally mean “how motivated are you to achieve your goals?” While this question may be fine for most people, I don’t think it helps most Secret Entourage readers. Reflecting on HOW motivated you are to achieve something may in fact actually lessen your drive (I’ll explain why in a future article). So…
7 Ways to Be Your Own Worst Enemy
People often ask me for advice and this is both a great privilege and a burden (particularly when I’m playing Fire Drop on my phone). Yet, with all of the questions I get asked, no one has ever asked how to make themselves more miserable. This is surprising considering how people specialize in that practice. So, I’d like to take…