At some point or another in our lives, we start becoming unproductive at work due to no longer feeling like we have a sense of purpose and despite collecting a paycheck, we somewhat still have quite a bit to lose actually.
The Ultimate Goal – The One Within
We spend a lot of time constantly trying to keep up with society and those around us. From our cars to the simplest competition for a promotion, we spend the majority of our life constantly trying to be better or look better than those around us but at what cost?
Moving Forward…
We all know “resistance” can hold us back for quite some time and make it difficult for us to just move forward. We encounter all types of objections and obstacles in our quest for success and often dwell on how to fix certain issues and overcome certain obstacles. But is it possible that we spend too much time worrying about…
Motivation 101 – It Isn’t My Fight
It is much easier to sit back and do nothing rather than to get involved. This could hold true for a lot of things around us. From politics to foreign policy, today’s problems just seem too large or too complex for any one person to fix, therefore those problems are easier to ignore rather than to try and fix them.
Forever Wealthy – Freedom of Time
It is often agreed that time is money and that time holds much more value than money, but if that holds true then why do we continue to chase money rather than time?
Faith or Opportunity
It doesn’t just take religious belief to sometimes use the line “it wasn’t meant to be” and it’s often true that we, as individuals, look to a greater reason for things to happen (or not) for us through our lifetime. We sometimes blame not having been given an employment opportunity on the fact that it must not have been the…
Can Money Buy Your Dreams?
As a debatable question very similar to “Can money buy happiness?”, most people without money will answer no, most with money will tell you YES even if they are unhappy. Money can buy you things and in some cases buying yourself things that will make you happy. You would think that as a result the answer is “yes”, if you…