Ask any entrepreneur how they got to where they are and I guarantee you none of them will say it happened overnight. The famous quote “Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.” says it best, and as cliche or played…
Teen Entrepreneurs: 10 Reasons Why Every Teen Should Become an Entrepreneur
With the impact of social media and the global reach it allows today, more and more people are exposed to the ‘good life’ by following their favorite celebrities or social entrepreneurs. Without the internet or social media in the past, the portrayal of success was never exposed to a mass audience like it has today. You’ll have to give credit…
10 Ways to Make the Most of the New School Year
With the 2013-2014 school year in session, we thought it would be appropriate to do an article on how to make the most of this school year from the perspective of a young entrepreneur. Check out the following ten points and let us know what you think!
The 10 New Rules of Success
With every year that goes by, new rules apply to the world of entrepreneurship and business. These new rules and way of thinking are ever changing as the environment we live in evolves and so do the companies and leaders around us. We have compiled a list of what we believe to be 10 new rules that can help you…
5 Tips to Become a Better Public Speaker
It seems these days that just about everyone who does anything well becomes an expert at it and decides to take on public speaking to share with others their secret, and of course make money doing it. While there is nothing wrong with public speaking and certainly nothing wrong with getting paid doing it, there are certain elements that make…
How Entrepreneurs Dress for Success – Why It Still Matters in 2013
Perception is reality and seems to still be the case in 2013. As further established Gen Y gets, the further we seem to get from proper attire and more towards rugged daily wear. This begs the question as to if dressing well to appeal to the masses is still important, but also who are the masses worth appealing to.
How Entrepreneurs are Made and Ideas are Born
Despite the 100’s of books, articles, and free resources available out there, people still seem confused about how to become an entrepreneur. While this continues to be an issue, we have also noticed more and more experienced entrepreneurs ask their social circles if they believe entrepreneurs are born or made.