My first round in the world of entrepreneurship was one at the age of 16 or so when I decided to launch my own automotive paint protection company. I dreamed of the life, surrounded by fancy cars, making tons of money but that was far from the reality. The end result was a $10,000 loss and a failed business, all…
Following Instructions Does Not Make You a Follower
In a recent experiment with younger entrepreneurs, we asked 7 of them to come up with the cheapest and most effective way to customize a Lamborghini Gallardo. We knew none of them were experienced in exotic cars, and wanted to test out the idea on today’s entrepreneurs. The test was simple…
How to Never Have a Bad Day Again
No one will deny that having a hard day, month, or year can be draining on the body, mind, and soul. But I will tell you that staying down won’t help you get back to your best and change the situation around. Years ago, when we realized the importance of attitude, we made a promise to ourselves to never let…
5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence
Belief is and has always been one of the key factors that drives startup founder’s forward in their thinking. While many great minds don’t know where to start, they have enough belief and confidence to get started anyways. For others who do not share such confidence, getting stuck and not moving forward is often an issue. Here are 5 great…
Why Entrepreneurs Aren’t Welcome in Corporate America
I spent ages in corporate America and did quite well moving up the ranks with massive velocity. For about a total of 8 years of my life, I not only played the game, but did so with a very strong sense for politics and loyalty to those who didn’t deserve it. I decided at some point that it wasn’t for…
Why The World Should be Kissing Gen Y’s Ass
Gen Y is often referred to as the ninja generation, or the instant gratification generation. Some even call it the sheltered generation because it seems like our parents supposedly always kept us sheltered from the reality of life. Perhaps there is some truth to this common allegation and perhaps many of the publications that write about Gen Y being complacent,…
Self Made vs Born Rich
We recently posted an interesting update on Facebook saying that self-made money as well as inherited money held the same value in the sense of success. Now, while we did this as a means of banning negative people who polluted our community with their negativity and constant rant against those who have made it because they struggled, there is also…