
Even if You Escape the Rat Race, You’re Still a Hamster

Even if You Escape the Rat Race, You're Still a Hamster

While people always say they don’t want to be rats stuck in the rat race, many don’t realize that they only escape the rat race to become hamsters. Since we know many people who are hamsters, we chose to do an article that wantpreneurs will appreciate as it might give them a pulse check and help them determine if they…

Have You Seen My Stapler?

Have You Seen My Stapler?

Good old Office Space. If you haven’t seen it, we highly recommend you do. Buy it, watch it, and then watch it again. There is an underlying message to this movie that many people miss. The message is simple…

What if You Never Reach Your Goals Despite All Your Potential?

What if You Never Reach Your Goals Despite All Your Potential?

What if you go through your whole life with this idea that you’ll never become as great as you could possibly be? What if you never reach your large goals? These are very valid questions and typically in the back of many entrepreneur’s minds, even if they seem very confident in themselves and their ideas. Successful or not, entrepreneurs and…