Money is never the obstacle in starting a business: while it is very true that with money there is less stress, it is also true that businesses started with money do not have a better chance at becoming brands or successful as a result of the starting capital.
Crash Course in Cryptocurrency
It’s the 21st century, and everything is getting smarter. From smartphones to smart homes, it’s becoming easier and easier to feel stupefied by emerging tech if you don’t keep up. My new hobby is playing with smart money, aka cryptocurrency, and I wanted to share my experience to help you get started investing in this rapidly growing sector (or at…
The Single-Member LLC – A Savvy Alternative For Solopreneurs
If you’re a solo entrepreneur (a.k.a. “solopreneur”), you have a lot on your plate. With the buck stopping with you on every last thing, you single-handedly manage the strategy and tactics of all aspects of your business. Indeed, working as a solopreneur deserves some serious kudos! For the sake of keeping legal obligations as uncomplicated as possible, many solopreneurs start…
How to Better Account for Hidden Costs in your Business
Why? Because many costs are impossible to know with certainty until assets are ready to be purchased, and this might come years in the future. Furthermore, significant expenses are often easy to forget about due to the excitement associated with bringing a new product to market.
Leadership: The Difference Between a Boss and a Leader
Leadership is simply defined in my book as a person’s investment and ownership in human capital, or people. In my 12+ years working as a VP in Corporate America and my 10+ years as an entrepreneur having managed teams up to 800 employees and over $50M in annual revenue, I learned something vital about leading people. It isn’t optional if…
Don’t “Become an Entrepreneur.” Solve People’s Problems So Well They Pay You For It.
Teaching entrepreneurship, I often hear people say they want “to become an entrepreneur,” “to be their own boss,” and “to run their own company.” I have to distinguish between thinking and behaving entrepreneurially and “becoming an entrepreneur.”
The Difference Between Registering Your Business Name And Applying For A Trademark
Your business name carries a lot of weight; it’s an important part of your brand’s identity and it helps distinguish you from your competition. That makes it an asset well worth protecting, don’t you think? After working so hard to start and build your business, you certainly don’t need another company hijacking it or using a name that’s deceptively similar.