Secret Entourage Academy

Secret Academy Episode – Brett Behney

Secret Academy Episode - Brett BehneyBrett joined the Secret Entourage Academy a little over 5 years ago. He was stuck in that in between phase of having odd jobs here and there like Uber, and not wanting to go back and interview for some 9-5. Brett knew he wanted to own his own company and he did just that. But not everyone hits a home run on their first time to bat. It took Brett watching 3 other previous businesses fail before he finally found success with Flip Zipp. And the long awaited success was all worth it with his phone flipping company making $200,000 in revenue in just the first year.

Brett joined the Secret Entourage Academy a little over 5 years ago. He was stuck in that in between phase of having odd jobs here and there like Uber, and not wanting to go back and interview for some 9-5. Brett knew he wanted to own his own company and he did just that. But not everyone hits a home run on their first time to bat. It took Brett watching 3 other previous businesses fail before he finally found success with Flip Zipp. And the long awaited success was all worth it with his phone flipping company making $200,000 in revenue in just the first year.

Secret Academy Episode – Nick Maddox

Secret Academy Episode - Nick Maddox

Nick Maddox has been a student in the Academy now for just a little under two years. He bought his access with the money he got as a graduation present after high school and dove in head first. With that graduation money Nick also bought a stockpile of some high-end detailing merchandise and with the help of his childhood friend Tyler was able to start putting them to use. Nick and Tyler began detailing local cars around the neighborhood until soon their market expanded thanks to their tremendous work and word of mouth from previous customers. Now they have DEFCON Detailing and it houses a team of well trained and motivated individuals who work specifically on high end luxury cars doing detailing as well as paint protection and ceramic coating. Had it not been for the Secret Academy, Nick and Tyler’s dream may have always stayed that way, but they took the steps to make it a reality and now they are both proud business owners before the age of 21.

Secret Academy Episode – Todd Fleming

Secret Academy Episode - Todd Fleming

Todd Fleming is here to tell you that before joining Secret Academy he had “no idea” what he was doing. He was a late bloomer, getting his first job at the age of 23, he soon realized that the 9-5 life just wasn’t for him. Todd decided to do research on how he could better self educate and start a company of his own. He found day trading, worked on it for a while, but then he discovered the Secret Academy. He dived into the lessons and connected with his first mentor and soon realized the stock trading life wasn’t for him. Todd then watched our Real Estate course with Nick Ruiz and he knew then that he would begin his journey along that path. Now Todd has become a teacher to the other students in the Academy and even won our 2017 Secret Academy Challenge.

Secret Academy Episode – Dave Wongk

Secret Academy Episode - Dave Wongk

Dave started out as a student with Secret Entourage about 3 years ago. Dave, like most of you knew that the 9-5 life wasn’t for him, he sought more out of life. He came into the Academy looking for advice on how to scale and grow his small skin care business, and he got it. What started as seeking advice on how to scale his $10,000/month side hustle has evolved into Dave now running a $80,000/month skin care/cosmetic line called Pure Tropix; that has been featured in Vogue magazine, and ultimately becoming an inspiration to other students.

Secret Academy Episode – Jason Hanson

Secret Academy Episode - Jason Hanson

Jason Hanson knew from a very early age that he never wanted to spend his career stuck behind a desk. He wanted to be out protecting others and serving his community. After serving in as a local police officer, Hanson joined the CIA, but left after years of tremendous service to start a family. Still having that desire to help serve and protect others Hanson turned his passion into his profession. He started his company Spy Escape & Evasion. A program designed to teach people how to protect themselves using top secret tricks he learned while in the CIA. Hanson soon became a house hold name after winning a deal in 2014 on ABC’s Shark Tank that helped him propel his business into more than a video course, but now soon to have two best-selling books and “Spy Schools” all over the world to help every man, woman, and child learn how to protect themselves.

Secret Academy Episode – Matt Miller

Secret Academy Episode - Matt Miller

Matt began his career as an Air Force pilot flying the second largest plane ever built on an almost daily basis. After a few years Matt decided to settle down and get a regular job after his first son was born and after falling on hard times in his first corporate job, he began looking for sources of passive income to help his family get by. He overheard a member of his church talking about vending machines in the form of $0.25 gumballs and took the idea and ran with it – School Spirit Vending was born. Soon enough he was in over 100 locations and looking to grow even more so. People always say children are the future and Matt took that to heart, setting up his vending machines in schools across the country. Now instead of food and drink, Matt’s company prints up stickers and school memorabilia specific to each location and places them in the vending machines year around for children, faculty, and parents alike to purchase. Creating a niche market that combines profits with fundraising for schools to continue providing the best education they can for our children.

Secret Academy Episode – David Ciccarelli

Secret Academy Episode - David Ciccarelli

David Ciccarelli set out with one goal in mind, to change the game of the voice-over industry. Designing and building a platform that allows voice actors from all over the internet to upload their audible resumes for clients to access. Everything from audiobooks to commercials are covered under Ciccarelli’s platform. However, Ciccarelli’s vision was first to just have a recording studio to do audio needs for musicians, he soon realized that the human voice is the over all audio king, not just music. With the help of his now-wife Stephanie, David has turned his early goal of a recording studio guru into the reality of running at the industry’s leading site in voice-over hiring and recordings.