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Secret Academy Episode - Randy Hetrick

Randy Hetrick is the inventor and founder of TRX which was created out of necessity in the Navy SEALs. With prior graduation from USC, Randy didn’t invent the TRX® Suspension Trainer with a business venture in mind, but rather a way to simulate climbing a caving ladder while using the body as a resisting force. He went back to school after 14 years as a SEAL, this time attending Stanford. TRX, as a product, started slow in sales before hitting a few tipping points and validating his product could be successful. His unique training device began to capture the attention of athletes, coaches, and trainers. As of 2001, TRX can now be found in gyms in more than 60 countries and is more than one million users strong.

Lesson's in Today's Interview:
  • Getting his work ethic from his parents
  • How military training translates into entrepreneurship
  • You can achieve anything you set your mind to
  • Where the idea of Suspension Trainer came from
  • Why Randy decided to go back to school after his invention
  • Recognizing your limitations
  • How TRX became successful
  • The key point that made Randy realize that his business is worth it
  • Communication - The biggest challenge
  • Struggles working with so many people
  • The best decision he has ever made
  • How to deal with competitors
  • How to launch a fitness product today
  • The core of the success of TRX marketing
  • Advice and sources of information for people interested in that space
  • Why did TRX never get in the supplement industry
Full Episode, Downloadable Podcast, and Other Episode Resources Available for Members Only:
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Michael Dermer
CEO of The Lonely Entrepreneur
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Peter Voogd
Author of “6 Months to 6 Figures”